Courtesy of Unsplash
Courtesy of Unsplash
Michigan state Rep. Gary Eisen (R-St. Clair Township) has testified in support of legislation to help prevent water damage to homes that are located near waterways during times of higher flood risk.
According to Michigan House Republicans, Eisen testified in front of the House Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Committee, pushing to allow the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to issue permits for "lower wake speed" orders on the state's inland lakes.
Since flooding is a significant concern for St. Clair County, Eisen believes that expediting the time frame in which individuals can receive the necessary permits will improve the situation. Currently these permits require months of waiting time.
"I certainly understand and support our families being outside and enjoying our state’s natural resources. But we desperately need to come up with a solution, which is what my plan will do, to get this under control before it gets even worse," Eisen said.
Eisen's proposal has been supported by Artie Bryson, Clay Township supervisor.